NMG Charitable Giving 2011
Over the course of the year, NMG collects all the money employees pay for plants for their own personal use, then around the Thanksgiving holiday, NMG matches that money for local charitable groups. For 2011, NMG donated those proceeds to two organizations—Mel Trotter Ministries and Home Repair Services. Both organizations were very appreciative, as Federal funding for many charities has been cut over the last year. Mel Trotter Ministries runs several community programs, including emergency shelters, substance abuse programs, shelters for the homeless and hungry as well as community services for clothing and furniture. The Home Repair Services organization helps families by teaching classes (in multiple languages) in basic home repair and remodeling. By teaching individuals how to do the work themselves encourages home ownership, maintenance, saves money and helps to instill a sense of pride and accomplishment. They offer: hands-on training in home repair skills, a lending tool library, access to low-cost building materials, emergency repairs when health or safety is at risk, financial counseling for homeowners, help to build wheelchair ramps for the disabled and elderly and practical energy efficiency services.